Monday, February 23, 2009

The Choice

Does anyone have any idea of what it is like to make such a choice?  Christians claim homosexuals choose their orientation.  Homosexuals claim it is an inborn thing.  Neither could be less right!  

No one in their right mind would choose to be gay in this day and age.  No more would anyone have ever chosen to be born black during a time of slavery.  Harsh reality I suppose.  There has never been any scientific proof that Homosexuals are genetically bound to this code or lifestyle.  So what is it?  Is it circumstance?  An addiction?  A SIN?  Hell, who knows but I can give you my spin on it!

First things first, addiction is scientifically proven, therefore it is scientifically impossible that homosexuality is an addiction.  The only thing proven is that when you repeat behaviors or thought patterns there are permanent synapsis that are formed.  Such as trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle of working out.  They say it takes "60 days to form a new habit."  In other words, to form permanent behavior synapsis.  Sounds logical right?  Then why is that when one tries to leave homosexuality that even after years it still hangs on?  It stands to reason that a person would be able to shake it at some point.  Right?  Yet, it doesn't work like that.  Ok so say you have claimed homosexuality for 10 years.  Then within 10 years passing and choosing not to claim homosexuality a person should be rid of "it" but that isn't what happens at all!  Even for the most diligent.  So I guess the proof isn't in the pudding when it comes to that one either!  

Is it a toxic behavior?  Hmm Well since any relationship, of any origin can be, I would beg to differ.  I know just as many healthy same sex relationships as I do hetero relationships.  Relationships are as healthy as the individuals in them.  Any Psychologist can tell you that one!  Another sciencey thingy for ya!  While it is true we may attract similarity's in people, one cannot say it is simply toxic behavior.  Particularly if an individual can become better and strong by being willing to work on oneself.  If a couple of any origin is willing both separately and as a couple their relationship can be perfectly healthy.  So one cannot simply discredit a homosexual relationship by such an implication.  It just doesn't wash.  

Sidenote: I believe every person should desire to improve his or herself by taking personal inventories and by a willingness to work thru their stuff.  And ya most the time it hurts!

So is it Sin?  I guess that depends on you.  The Bible says it is.  However the term "Homosexuality" wasn't even coined until 1839.  Even still it was also no longer considered a mental disorder by the psychiatric association.  (Sorry to tired to go hunting for the correct terminology right now! LOL  I know doesn't make it very accurate.  I'll find it later!)  Anyhoo, a very dear and special someone pointed something out to me.  Allow me to step back a few.

The book of Leviticus does a really good job of naming sins.  It says that, a man shall not give up his natural way cause it is an abomination to God.  Ok.  Now do a word search on abomination in both Hebrew and Greek.  It does not mean that God does not love a homosexual or that the sin or act of one giving up their "natural ways" is going to bring armageddon!  Heck if that were true we would all be going to Hell in a hand basket for eating shell fish.  No more shrimp, crab or wonderful lobster!  I guess then CPS needs to back off too cause we should be stoning our kids for any wrong doing!  

My special someone suggested that I should read the book of Acts.  That the old law had passed away with the atonement of Christ on the cross for our sins.  Of course I recanted then if that is true then the only thing that truly mattered anymore is John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father but by me!"  That tells me enough anyway.  The good book also says that our works are like "filthy rags" to God.  Our works will not gain us an entry to Heaven.  No I am not suggesting anyone should go out and murder now.  Be reasonable people but you also have to be realistic enough to realize that one being homosexual is in no way like being a mass murderer.  I mean do I even really need to say that?  LOL  In my humble opinion that is a scare tactic by Christians.  Oh how I love religiosity!  

So is it circumstance?  Look I don't think anyone chooses to purposely pull the short stick out of the hat.  Not to say that I view homosexuality as a "short stick" but rather it is often seen that way by society.  Particularly Christians.  My opinion is Christians view homosexuals as the modern day lepers.  Where is the humility in that?  Does the "stigma" of homosexuality pray on certain victims?  Is it selective?  Why does it fall on some and not on others?  Who knows and really... who cares?  Except those who wish they were not.  I say c'est la vie!  Let people live as they see fit.  If you're a Christian lead them to Christ but don't bludgeon them with "old law."  There is such a thing as free will.  We all answer for ourselves.  It says so right in the Bible!  

As for those who choose to be "obedient," I commend you.  It is even harder to be a gay Christian.  You are not accepted by many.  The gay community sees you as a threat and feels utter betrayal by such choices.  It is even viewed as hate.  Little do they know, it is anything but.  As for Christians... can I just say Leper again?  LOL  Sorry!  Some people need to get over themselves.  Really!       

While it is true that true Love is not a feeling, we do not choose who we fall in love WITH.  Love can be accomplished in any kind of relationship.  People who are gay have not not "chosen Life."  They live according to what is true for them.  They are mutually consenting people who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.  

Tolerance is a two way street but no one will ever hear if both are shouting for their own way.  You must be silent within one's own head to hear.  Another person's way may not be your own but it doesn't give you the right to tell them they are wrong.  All people deserve the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.  The Bible says that all law that is put into place is done so by God.  If it is true then we cannot deny the law of the land.  Not even Christians!  

As for me, I believe it is no other persons business to tell someone who they should and should not love because that is THEIR personal belief.  It is not the right of another to spew hatred on those who choose to be "obedient" to their God when they fight for just the opposite.  Claim your victory in Christ but for the lot of you all, accept that not everyone is going to agree all of the time and find a way to co-exist and go in peace.  Because in the long run, all else is futile and you may as well be chasing your own tail.  

That is my rant for the night or morning, which ever it may be.  God loves you all and He doesn't take sides.  He simply cannot look at sin.  That is why He sent his Son.  Damned humans just couldn't get it right!  Thanks God.  Thanks for loving me!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The You's, the Us' and the Them's

In all of human history, at some point in a person's life, we have all felt like a third party.  This rather abnormal feeling is quite to the contrary, very normal and common.  In life there are always polar opposites.  A ying for a yang if you will.  Good versus evil.  Then there is the grey area.  The undefined, lacking a true label in the sense of the word.  All of life's little in between's and in this area is where we often look to find ourselves.  The You's, the Us', and the Them's.  

At any time in our life we can be any one of these.  It all depends on the circumstance and how it serves our purpose, perhaps even our perception for the moment.  These can come in any age, gender, religion, color, agenda, you name it and you can find it.  Of course I have repeated this idea repeatedly but only to show you that we are all human.  Whatever that means!  

I guess I will take it from there.  "We were created in God's image. Both male and female."  Ok but in my humble opinion that shows division.  Yes, I understand that the union of male and female are supposed to create ONE.  That is the WHOLE idea isn't it?  So they say you cannot make a whole of two halves, ie: Homosexuality.  Hmm so that has me wondering.  Of course it does because after all that is exactly where I am going with this.  

So there are the You's, the Us', and the Them's.  If you are wondering just what I mean I am once again referring to the grey area.  There are the Heterosexuals, the Homosexuals and all those in between.  But wait it gets even better because then you throw in "agenda" for a lack of a better word.  Let's narrow it down a little more.  How about Christian's, LGBT's and the one's in between?  Who are the in between's you are wondering?  They are the Christian LGBT's.  Yep, you guessed it.  The people proverbially stuck at a crossroads.  To be or not to be, that is indeed the question at hand!  

Interestingly enough this nonconformist group is caught in the middle.  Struggling with both, religion and/ or their relationship with their Maker and being who they have always identified as.  Thus not very easily embraced by the other two groups.  The LGBT group simply feels these people are not being honest with who they "Are."  Even more interesting is that tolerance for these such people isn't even usually there.  I have to wonder why that is?  

As for Christians, well they are more than willing to be accepting if you are doing the "RIGHT" thing.  You can come and sit in their pews any day of the weak by that standard.  But fall from grace and you will be chastised for not "choosing life!"  Really?  Wow!  The goal, in a heterosexual Christian's opinion, should be heterosexuality.  That makes perfect sense doesn't it?  Sure for someone who has never been gay and sees it as sin!  I've even heard tolerance by such a group defined as, "Knowing when something is wrong but not having the willingness to do anything about it." 

Right about now I could go off on a tangent but I am trying to keep some order to this.  

The in betweener's range from PFLAG folk to Exodus Ex-gay ministries.  I am sure some of which also wouldn't like the idea of me clumping them together in the same category.  Nonetheless I am doing so.  After all, where's the tolerance people?  As for me, I am sticking with the classic definition of the word.  (See below)  These are the people with the constant nagging question and those who support them.  Which way do we go George?

Enough said for now but I think you get my drift.  I will blog more later.  This is just the beginning.  I promise!   

Monday, February 16, 2009


It isn't likely I will post anything with any meaning for another day or two but I thought I would start with this.  Just a lil test phase, if you will.  So until then I hope some will enjoy.  If nothing else perhaps it will get your wheels spinning.